Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Friday, April 22, 2011

We took a little trip....

....down to good ol PCB last weekend for Kaylyn's second dance competition. Let's just say this was a less than desirable beach trip. Friday was our only full day on the beach, which was also the day Alabama was invaded by a string of tornadoes. It was a sunny day in the heart of the Redneck Riviera, but we had to deal with hurricane force winds. Seriously, the wind was so annoying and howling so loudly, it made the day SO cold! The kids didn't seem to care as they braved the frigid waters of the Gulf Coast, claiming "The water feel great!" and "I'm not c-c-c-old" (through chattering teeth). They were very upset when it was time to go in for the day. (Because their parents were about to freeze to death!) Anyway, we came home just as pale skinned as we were when we left home :)

See....the wind is about to blow her over!

Searching for seashells by the seashore

Building his sand volcano

Still searching.....

I have no idea what was so funny

So happy to be at the beach, even in hurricane strength winds!

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