Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day!!!

She's so happy because we finally got some REAL snow! We had about 5 inches of snow Monday morning AND we didn't lose power! Life.Is.Good. The kids had a BLAST playing in it...and they are STILL playing in it! Yes, we're going on 3 days of snow and no school! They couldn't be happier. As for me - well, I'm ready for the white stuff to go away now! At least the roads are somewhat drivable now, just a bit slushy.

Hubby even got to stay home to play in the snow

Luke making a monster snowball

Me in my "Michelin Man" suit. Don't laugh. It keeps me warm!

Of course we had to make some snow angels. She only went through about 5 changes of clothes, with each change, equaling 3 layers of clothes. Yeah, lots of laundry for me!

Snow boy Ninja about to nail me with a snowball

Yummy snow!

Found a cool snowman!

And now we move on to the Redneck Sledding portion of the day....

Hey, it's Alabama. We don't see real snow often enough to own real sledding gear, so we make do with whatever we can find. In our case: the bottom of a car luggage carrier (complete with kindermat seating) tied to the back of a 4-wheeler in an open field. Yeah baby! Fun times!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I am thoroughly impressed at the creativity!

We got Z-E-R-O snow accumulation...but did get a snow day anyway. We got the benefits without the added mess and laundry.

It looks like you guys had a great time!!!!