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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day 2008

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. Christmas Day is always and exciting day around our house. This year the day started MUCH earlier than 1:21 a.m. Yes, my kids were much to excited about what Santa may have brought for them to sleep, so they were up at 1:21 am this morning checking out all the new toys. I let them check it out for a few minutes and then ran them back to their beds. They were up again at 6:30, we opened the remaining presents, played for a little while and then headed to Georgia for Christmas at my other grandmothers. We just go home a little while ago, so as you can imagine, 2 tired and excited kids + WAY too much good food + 6 hours driving time = 2 tired parents!Santa's visit...before the whirlwind effect of 2 kids

Checking out Santa's gifts....for the second time


the aftermath.....

By 7:15 am my house looked like the threats of tornados the night before had become a reality right in my living room!

1 comment:

Misi said...

Looks like our house! Gotta love the aftermath of a great Christmas!