Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Friday, August 15, 2008

Naked Baby!!!

Chloe came to stay with us today. She is 8 1/2 months old now and into everything. Next week she has an appointment with Dr. Wooley to set up a time for her head CT and discuss a more definative date for her Cochlear Implant. Right now she's just hanging out and going to speech therapy every week.
Crawling everywhere!
Give me that camera!
We've had to come up with some creative ideas to keep those busy hands away from her hearing aids.


VBnBama said...

love the do-rag Chloe! Also bonnets are good and google hanna anderson pilot caps(kinda like bonnets)

Jenn said...

She looks just beautiful with the yellow bandana on! Not everyone could pull that off!