Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Luke's First Fish

These pics were taken back in March. Chris and I decided to take the kids fishing one Saturday morning. It was their first time to ride in our old, but new to us boat. Unfortunately with two small kids in the boat, you don't get alot of fishing done, but Luke did manage to catch his first fish. He was excited about it, but was a little unsure of how close he wanted to get to the fish! By the way, this was the ONLY fish we caught that day. Chris had told Kaylyn before we left, that we had to catch our supper for the night, since I was on a fishing trip instead of making my usual weekly trip to the grocery store. (he was only kidding of course, but she didn't know that) When this was the only fish we caught that day, she was a little worried about what she was going to eat for supper that night!

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