Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Some older pics...

The next few posts are some older pics that were taken before I got into the blogging world. I came across them the other day and they were too cute not to post.

Luke's First Fish

These pics were taken back in March. Chris and I decided to take the kids fishing one Saturday morning. It was their first time to ride in our old, but new to us boat. Unfortunately with two small kids in the boat, you don't get alot of fishing done, but Luke did manage to catch his first fish. He was excited about it, but was a little unsure of how close he wanted to get to the fish! By the way, this was the ONLY fish we caught that day. Chris had told Kaylyn before we left, that we had to catch our supper for the night, since I was on a fishing trip instead of making my usual weekly trip to the grocery store. (he was only kidding of course, but she didn't know that) When this was the only fish we caught that day, she was a little worried about what she was going to eat for supper that night!

Kaylyn Looses Her First Tooth

This pic was taken back in June when Kaylyn lost her first tooth. Loosing your first tooth is a big deal for every child, but especially for Kaylyn. She didn't think she was going to ever lose a tooth. For the past 3 years she had me check every tooth in her head at least once a week to see if any were lose, when the answer was always no, she was so disappointed. Once, when she was 4 years old and Luke was still an infant with no teeth, she told me she a 4 teeth that were going to "pop" out any day now and she was going to give them to Luke so he could eat some real food too! I thought that was pretty cute!

Update on Emma

I talked to Billy this morning and he said Emma is doing great. They got the results of the spinal tap and they were negative (Yeah!) and they are still waiting on the results of her other bloodwork. He doesn't know what kind of labs are pending, he just knows they took a ton of blood from her. But the spinal tap being negative is a big plus.

Mandy is still running fever, so she won't be discharged today. Her hematocrit was getting lower and lower, so they were planning on giving her blood today if it didn't improve. This morning when they drew her labs, her hematocrit had improved, so they will see if it continues to climb before they transfuse her. She will be able to be discharged when she no longer is febrile and her crit is high enough for her to go home. She's not too upset about having to stay since Emma has to stay. She is healing well from her C-Section and is having less pain day by day. So for now, they are just waiting.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Pray for Emma

Emma Kinsley Russell
7lbs, 7oz
21 1/2 inches
September 26, 2007 7:31 p.m.
This is my best friend Mandy's new baby. She was born last night via C-Section. She had to be delivered by C-Section because Mandy spiked a fever during labor. Her temp. was 103 when she was born, but then so was Mandy's. They had to admit her to the NICU for antibiotics because she had the fever. They were hoping the baby just had a fever because Mandy had a fever and they were told she should be able to go home in 3 days when her labs came back normal. However, today the labs came back abnormal and Emma definately has a bacterial infection somewhere. Mandy said they did more labs (she wasn't sure what kind) and a spinal tap this evening. Now she won't get to come home for at least 10 days and possible 21 days. She looks great and has had no more fever, but still her WBC is elevated and her blood cultures had some growth.
Mandy and Billy are having a hard time dealing with all of this...recovering from a C-Section, having to be separated from the baby, and now worrying about abnormal labs. Please pray that the rest of Emma's lab work will come back normal and that she will remain afebrile. Mandy is also still running fever, so she too is receiving IV antibiotic. If everything goes as scheduled Mandy will be discharged on Saturday, but Emma will have to wait at least 10 days before she can come home. Please pray for Mandy and Billy as they have to go home without their new baby.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Say Cheeeeese!!!!!

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Being Silly

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The Camera Hog Is At It Again!

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Ahhh, A Time to Relax...

Luke took a few moments of R & R after a long day at school.
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Kaylyn was so proud of the "dancer" written on her rear-end. She had to show it to everybody!
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Typical Male!

Luke is becoming more and more like a typical these pics he is glued to the t.v.!
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Monday, September 24, 2007

Addie Comes For A Visit...

For those of you who read my blog and don't know Addie....Addie is a little girl who those of us in the ER have been following for the past few months. Check out her story in the link "Addie and Julien" on my link list. Her story is trully amazing. She is living proof that God does grant miracles and prayer does work. I really believe God has a plan for her life. Her parents are absolutely amazing and she has the best big brother in the world. We have looked at her blog so much I had to ask her mom to bring her to see us. She is the most precious little girl, she is so happy and is always smiling. I think we were so happy to see her that she was a bit overwhelmed, but she soon warmed up to us. We have learned her story through the blogging world and it was such an honor to get to meet her in person. Thank you Jennifer for bringing her to visit. Come back soon!
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Addie's Fan Club

Not sure why my mouth is wide open in this pic, but it was the best pic of Addie with the group.
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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Game Day in the ER

Today I worked for Miranda so she could go to the Alabama game (lucky girl!). Like most divided families, the subject of football is a hot one. There were lots of screams of "Roll Tide" and cries of "War Eagle." It's all in good fun, we have a good time. We still love each other, even though we are divided!

The Bama Gang

Roll Tide Roll!!!!!

And then there's that other team...

Doesn't Clay look like he belongs in the State Pen?

Divided or Not, We Still Love Each Other!

Jerry say's "It's been a long day!"

Those of you who didn't work on Saturday, count your blessings! It was terrible!

Amber and Missy

Me and Tricia


Tricia and Clay

Monday, September 17, 2007

Pooh on Charter!

I started blogging our beach trip pics last night and got almost through, when my internet went down. It didn't come back up all night. I had to post the last 2 post this morning, so if you looked at it last night, it probably didn't make much since...anyway it's fixed now. Enjoy!

ER Beach Trip 2007

The ER girls had our annual beach trip to Panama City this weekend. We had soooo much fun. It was very relaxing to get to go to the beach and not worry about the kids and husband. (not that I didn't miss them, understand!) We laughed, and played, and just basically had a good time doing whatever we wanted. It was a little overcast with scattered sprinkles on Friday, but that didn't stop us...we are a very resourceful group! Saturday was absoulutely wonderful, the water was so clear and beautiful. I hated to leave, but at some point everyone has to return to the real world!


The waves were so big on Friday, I guess because of the hurricane that hit Texas the day before. I haven't had that much fun playing in the ocean since I was about 10!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Hot Tub...

This is what you do when it's raining too hard to go to the beach!

In the Sauna

Because the wind was blowing so hard Friday afternoon, we were FREEZING when we got out the hot tub. Aerial had the great idea to go and sit in the sauna to get warmed up. Sounds good in theory, but we soon found out, you can't breathe in a we lasted about 45 seconds!

Friday Night...

Since we had such a long drive Friday and then went to the beach, we decide to just stay in Friday night. We had so much fun just being silly. I laughed until my side was hurting. We are a funny bunch of girls!
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The ER version of Cage Dancing...

The ER version of Synchronized Swimming...

P.S. G. Poe acutally fell in the hot tub after this pic was taken!

This is how Michelle answered the door for the pizza boy...

Not really...she chickened out at the last minute, but it would have been funny though!

Saturday on the Beach...

The beach was absolutely gorgeous on Saturday. The water was so calm and clear...much better than the day before. We had a wonderful time!
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Dinner at Pinnapple Willy's

Saturday night we walked to Pinnapple Willy's for dinner. We had some good food and watched the Alabama game. ROLL TIDE!!!! We decided to walk to the restraunt via the beach...big mistake. It's really hard to walk that far in the sand! Half of us walked on the road back to the condo, the other half took the beach back.