Chloe also got to be in the pageant this year. It was her very first pageant and as you can see, she was less than thrilled! She did very well though and walked out on the runway all by herself!
I tried all day to get a good picture of her in her pretty dress, but she was having none of it. As you can see in the pic above, she's sporting her "Get this dress off of me and get that camera out of my face, I'm sick of pageant day!" look.
I attempted to get a picture of Kaylyn and Chloe in their dresses, and this was the best I could get. Chloe had hit complete melt down, and there was no turning back.
Kaylyn and Shaylan
T-R-O-U-B-L-E.......Chloe, Kaylyn, and Shaylan
Whew! Glad that's over. Great job girls!!